The Wombat

I would just like to add that my blog is named after no other than the awesome band The Wombats, I just took away the S on the end to make it more personal and to emphasise the fact that it is only one person how is runny this blog. I also think that the animal wombat is very, very cute!
And by the way isn't my new design just smashingly wonderful?!

Oh, now my bed calls out for me.

Good Night!


PS. The Hägerström-sisters might be the funniest lot I've ever met, thank you for an awesome evening, babes DS.

Isn't she stunning (ofc I mean the girl on the table, not the one under it, that is me)? This is one part of Hägerströmskorna as I will call them from now on. Couldn't find a pic on the other one unfortunatelly.


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