Up to the date

Yepp just a little update, my throat is a teenie weenie bit better, I have drank a lot, a lot of tea, but the eating isn't going so well though since I just can't eat. BUT I have managed to stuff myself full with icecream, quiet an accomplishment.
Yeah haven't got anything to say right now, soo I'll just continue with my filmwatching and then maybe, ehm, do nothing?
A question ought to be unanswered...dot.

"Prom night", I love Olof's hat, I just have to wear my own more!

Back from the dead

Yes I've been a little off the last few days, that's because I've recently graduated and wanted to spend all of my time with my friends until the late hours of the night, which resulted in sickness though. My throat kills me, i actually kills me! But my plan is to drink my own weight in tea, get high on painkillers and eat, eat, eat. Hope it will work, otherwise I'll just have to go to the ER or something.

You will hear more from me later, promise!


My throat is sooooo soar that I can barely swallow my own spit without feeling a huge tremendous pain. This couldn't have come at a worser time. I mean I graduating tomorrow, I can't be sick!
Wellwell, today I've actually gone longboarding, without falling, that is. And I am damn proud of myself I have to say. But now I think it might be time for me to sleep, I have to be wellrested for tomorrow and what might happen!



Maybe one of the world's best songs, I've loved it since the moment I first heard it. And I don't think I'll ever grow tired of it!

Ruby - Kaiser Cheif


Being human

It's probably one of the best TV-series I've ever seen!
And it was so worth getting a virus on my computer because I wanted to download this!
(And yes, I am totally loved up with Mitchell, the vampire. He is so hot I don't kow what to do with myself!)


Shorts - Thailand
Tanktop - Gap
Shirt - Levi's
Bag - Mommy's
Glasses - Mommy's

Last day

It's final, our days on Tiundaskolan is over forever. It's so incredibly sad I don't know what to do or say. I just want to cry. The people I've seen almost every day since I was six and I are now going our separate ways.
Anyways, I'll start to cry soon if a keep on writing.
Last night was absolutely wonderful. Dancing, friends and laughter. I came home about 3,30 and almost fell asleep in the hallway.

Nathalie, me, Patricia and Roza, and yes I know that my friends are awfully beautiful, it explains why I often feel like an ugly little pig when I'm with them.



OMG! I look like a clown getting ready for the "prom" :D


I'm back from our little schooltrip now, of course it was really, really boring. Especially to me since I find no interest in tanning and because I wasn't able to sit in the shadow as I want to.
Anyways now I have a big problem, there is no hot water and I really have to take a shower and wash my hair because tonight's the night of our school's prom. It's very glamorous NOT! It's actually in our own cafeteria, where I've had my lunch, five days a week for the last six years. Funny!
Now let's pray for the hot water to return so that I can at least try to become a little more beautiful for tonight!

Let's dance to joy division


A little musictips (from the one and only The Wombats) just before bedtime. I've got to have some sleep before our bathing-trip to Lyssnaängen tomorrow.

Let's dance to joy division - The Wombats

Don't let the boogieman get you. Sleep tight.

Mediterranean love♥

Emelie and I are probably going to visit some hotter longitudes in about two weeks!
How awesome isn't that, going to Greece or Spain with one of your best friends?!
I'm soooo f*cking excited I can barely talk.
Now I'm just crossing my thumbs that this will become reality, but then again why wouldn't it? I mean her dad is OK with and so is my parents, nothing can really stop us now. Not even the lusy 3000:- that the trip will cost (flight and hotelvisit included).
Gosh I'm happy right now!!! (maybe you can notice that with all the exclamation marks in this text!!!!!)

Not that bad right? So it's in a place like this I'm going to spend a lot of time with Elfie (not tanning though, I'm a big fan of the pale skin, don't know why. Maybe I'll dedicate a hole post to that someday. I can already see the headline; My love for a milkywhite skin).


 Oh yes I am going to start with something as lame as todays outfit, but hey, my blog is going to be so awesome in every other aspect so I thought that I might try this out. Then again I like clothes a great deal!

Tanktop - H&M
Skirt (underneath) - H&M
Leggins - H&M
Shoes - H&M
Belt - Mom's closet
Fluffy gourgeous hair - Great genes

The Tiundarock!

Yes, today was the day of Tiundarocken, this thing we have in our school where local groups, mostly from our own school, plays a few songs. It's always awesome and today we actually got to see some skin. Jesper and Patrik took the chance to show off their rockin bodies to the soundtrack of the Dressman commercials. I really didn't know if I should laugh or cry, fortunately it ended up with me laughing.
Well anyways I think I'm going to get something to eat and maybe take a footbath since my feet doesn't feel very well after standing in 10 cm high hells all day.


The Wombat

I would just like to add that my blog is named after no other than the awesome band The Wombats, I just took away the S on the end to make it more personal and to emphasise the fact that it is only one person how is runny this blog. I also think that the animal wombat is very, very cute!
And by the way isn't my new design just smashingly wonderful?!

Oh, now my bed calls out for me.

Good Night!


PS. The Hägerström-sisters might be the funniest lot I've ever met, thank you for an awesome evening, babes DS.

Isn't she stunning (ofc I mean the girl on the table, not the one under it, that is me)? This is one part of Hägerströmskorna as I will call them from now on. Couldn't find a pic on the other one unfortunatelly.


Oh well, hi. Hello!
So this is my first post on this blog, I'm a swedish girl living in Uppsala for the moment. But even though I might be swedish I am going to write this blog in english, I do got another one where I write in my native language, swedish. But I see this (having a blog where I write in english, that is) as an opportunity to become even better in english than what I already am.
And I will just give you people how might read this a tip; read everything I write with a british accent, because that is how I intend it to be read.

Now let's start up this bad boy blog (oh god what a lame expression!).
First up; getting an awesome new design.


Yes and well this is me then =)

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